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Data Exchange Workshop
NORMAN Workshop on Data Exchange - Towards a harmonised approach for collection and interpretation of data on emerging substances in the environment in support of European environmental policies
20-21 April 2011 - Berlin, Germany
The main objective of this workshop, organised by Environmental Institute (Slovakia) and hosted by the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA), was to provide a common forum for the NORMAN Association members, EU Member States and other interested groups for presenting, discussing and streamlining approaches for a harmonised collection and interpretation of data on emerging substances.
Discussion topics included (i) a proposal of the harmonised format of collected data in various environmental matrices allowing for their inter-comparison across Europe, (ii) the use of metadata for assessment of quality of data (discussion of the NORMAN scheme) and (iii) possibility for regular and/or automated data collection at the EU scale.
The potential adoption of the NORMAN approach for prioritisation of emerging substances in the process of selection of future WFD priority substances was discussed in detail.
Discussion tackled questions related to (i) the use of the data in support of European environmental policies and data collection activities carried out by the EEA, DG JRC, DG EUROSTAT and DG ENV and (ii) presentation of the data to the public.
One of the main outcomes of this workshop was the publication of the NORMAN Position Paper "Collection, exchange and interpretation of data on emerging substances" which explains the vision of the NORMAN network for a harmonised approach for collection and interpretation of data on emerging substances in support of European environmental policies.
20 April 2011
- Welcome to the participants - Jan Koschorreck, Federal Environment Agency, Germany
- NORMAN network – overview of activities in support of European environmental policies - Valeria Dulio, NORMAN Association
- Overview of NORMAN databases, prioritization and data quality modules - Jaroslav Slobodnik, NORMAN Association
- Experience from the data collection exercise for the update of the WFD priority substances 2011 - Dominique Preux, International Office for Water, France
- Prioritization of potential river basin specific pollutants in four European river basins using MODELKEY and ICPDR databases - Peter von der Ohe, MODELKEY/UFZ Leipzig, Germany
- Discussion
- OSPAR database – how to establish and maintain rigorous data quality system - Patrick Roose, OSPAR
- Water Quality Database of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River - Jaroslav Slobodnik
- European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals: overview of activities - Chris Sparham, ECETOC
- Presentation of the data to public – German experience - Maria Rüther, Federal Environment Agency, Germany
- Overview of major problems encountered within the current scheme of data collection, Marcela Fabianova, NORMAN Association
21 April 2011
- Overview of database systems dealing with emerging substances in other international organizations and Member States
- Czech Republic, Ludek Blaha, RECETOX
- Sweden, Katarina Hansson, IVL
- Plans for establishment of the European Chemical Data Centre - Jaroslav Slobodnik
- Linked data - a dynamic interface for chemical and environmental information in Germany - Gerlinde Knetsch, Federal Environment Agency, Germany
- Information System for Ecotoxicological Effect Data and Quality Targets – Link-up to Environmental Decision Making - Dieter Schudoma, Federal Environment Agency
Berlin - Discussion groups on chemical substances/mass spectrometry and ecotoxicology databases
- Two Working Groups and Plenary discussion on the findings of the discussion groups
- Draft agreement on the common format of the data exchange, and minimum quality assurance parameters in the databases
- Formulation of the conclusions of the workshop – Position paper